• (Auto) Dialogical Feedback: Towards an Archive of Loss
  • Mark Peter Wright
  • 08/2015
  • Asset 4
    Asset 6
    Asset 7

Between 2011 and 2014 I gathered environmental sound recordings from South Gare, a man-made stretch of land along the North East coast of England. These recordings formed part of a doctoral research project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and undertaken at Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP), University of the Arts, London.

The final and on-going act of research involved rebroadcasting the collected sounds back into the site before deleting them. The two films presented here examine the process and context of the work. They are audio-visual performance essays, constructed within the screen of a laptop in real-time. (Mark Peter Wright).

Please note these films are intended for laptop/computer screen playback only. Not for projection.

Read more about the project here: a conversation between Mark Peter Wright and Julia Yezbick.

With thanks to: Prof. Angus Carlyle, Dr. Michael Gallagher, Helena Hunter, Prof. Cathy Lane, Dr. Salomé Voegelin and Julia Yezbick.


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Braidotti, R. (2013) The Posthuman. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Clifford, J. (1988) The Predicament of Culture. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
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Latham, J. (1964-68) Skoob Tower. [Performance] Various locations.
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Mayer-Schönberger, V. (2011) Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Metzger, G. (1961-1966) Auto Destructive Art. [Action] Various locations.
O’Gorman, M. (2015) Necromedia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Smithson, R. Non-sites (1968-1973) [Installation] Various locations.
Sterne, J. (2009) The Preservation Paradox in Digital Audio. In: Bijsterveld, K & Dijck, J.V. (2009) Sound Souvenirs: Studio Technologies, Memory and Cultural Practices. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp.55-65.
Westerkamp, H. (1998) Speaking From Inside the Soundscape. Stockholm: Conference on Acoustic Ecology, June 8-13.
Wright, M. P. (Ongoing) (Auto) Dialogical Feedback. [Site-specific performance] South Gare, UK.